TecPodium Lecterns

TecPodium Lecterns

Monday, February 29, 2016

School of Education New HD Studios use TecPodium Lite

Leading University chooses Tecom for a Turn Key Solution 
A recent decision to design and build a new educational studio and control room in a University School of Education, led to Tecom TecPodium lecterns as the main technological hub in the studio. The new studio is designed to serve both students and lecturers, who carved on their flag : "Education and Excellence".
On the technical side, Tecom supplied TecPodium Lite HD lecterns, which provide easy-to-use access to all the audiovisual equipment in the studio including computer, projector, laptop, sound and more.  Ergonomically designed, the Lite HD Lectern also includes an interactive pen display to allow direct on screen annotation.
Ultra-short Hitachi interactive projectors allow the lecturers to annotate on the whiteboard as well. The studio has 3 PTZ HD cameras and microphone recording system to allow recording of multiple angles. Sound masking wall tiles were also installed for better acoustic treatment.
"Before" and "After" shots of one of the new educational studios
The School CIO commented: "Now, we can easily use the studio. Presenters are more confident with the technology in the model classroom we’ve designed so we’re more focused on how to improve educators rather than handle the equipment. We are very pleased with the TecPodium Lite lecterns and so are our teachers."

Monday, February 8, 2016

College Expands with TecPodium Workstation

College of Engineering new expansion gets TecPodium WorkStations in a collaborative project with Crestron controllers

The TecPodium WorkStation is the most cost effective complete solution that Tecom has in its product line. Complete with an HD switching scaling system – TSS-650 – also known as The Translator.

TecPodium was fitted with a 3rd party control system (Crestron in this case) and central monitoring software, providing the IT managers an updated status and remote control over all AV components.

The new classrooms at the College of Engineering with TecPodium Workstations and Crestron controllers

Now teachers at the College have the ability to connect their HD and analog laptops or use the integrated PC within the WorkStations. High-resolution monitors allow instructors to face their audience at all times while presenting.

Involving both furniture and technology solutions, this custom project was yet another great example of how Tecom thinks ‘out of the box’ to deliver AV solutions - out of the box.

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