TecPodium Lecterns

TecPodium Lecterns

Monday, December 17, 2012

Case Study: The "Golden Arches" Gets TecPodium Interactive Lecterns

A recent installation at the new corporate training facility included TecPodium Interactive Lecterns.
After having operating difficulties with the existing Audio-Visual equipment at the training center, Ronald said "enough is enough". 
The waste of training time, and money spent on technician hours, were issues managers and lecturers dealt with on daily basis.

TecPodium installations at the new training facilities were quick and clean as all cables and wiring were already in place.
Now all trainers and instructors feel more comfortable to use all audio-visual equipment, and can easily concentrate on the content instead on delivery.

One of the new rooms is the multi-purpose cafeteria hall where the TecPodium lectern controls the AV equipment, projector, motorized projection screen and more.
We look forward to expanding to other training centers, and to serve as an example in other corporate environments.

 Read more about Tecom TecPodium Interactive Lecterns